Course of action

Course of action

With modern sensors, a smart dashboard and personal support, we have been guiding growers professionally and successfully for more than 35 years. Our sensor based advice gives growers maximum benefit. Our smart management of the use of water, fertilizers and crop protection products contributes to sustainable agriculture. RMA brings together passion for agriculture and innovation. We know which applications work in agriculture and respond to technological innovation without losing sight of the human touch.

Growers rely on RMA agricultural sensor technology for maximum yields.

This is what we stand for

Personal support is our strength. Precision agriculture and sensor technology create new opportunities, but we know that this requires proper training and support. Our no-nonsense approach creates confidence in the technology, because ultimately it is the person who uses our smart sensors and gains added value. We are hands-on and understand how it works in agriculture. It is with reason that we are the expert in the translation of complex sensor data into simple daily recommendations.


We work closely with experts from multiple universities around the world. This contributes to the development of our knowledge in the field of irrigation management, disease control and crop nutrition. And where we see the opportunities to cooperate, we join forces with other companies. On the one hand for local support in countries abroad. On the other hand, in the field of complementary technology, such as a soil scanning or remote sensing with satellite images.


For profitable and sustainable
agriculture you can log into
your personal dashboard here.
